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Case Study: d.b.holzdesign

Di­gi­tal de­sign crea­tes ef­fi­ci­en­cy and trans­pa­ren­cy – and builds up trust.

As every craftsper­son knows, start­ing your own busi­ness re­qui­res cou­ra­ge. But cou­ra­ge alo­ne isn’t en­ough. If you ask young car­pen­ter Da­ri­usz Buch­ta, he’ll tell you that the key fac­tor is en­su­ring your fo­cus is al­ways on your cus­to­mers and what they need. And their num­ber one prio­ri­ty in al­most all ca­ses is to have a craftsper­son they can trust. The pro­blem is, how do you build up trust when you don’t have de­ca­des of ex­pe­ri­ence and do­zens of cus­to­mers to call on? That’s whe­re Buch­ta re­al­ly be­ne­fi­ted from di­gi­tal tech­no­lo­gy.

Verschiedene Holzmuster für Ihre Projekte
Portrait Dariusz Buchta Referenzkunde

„3D designs have showed customers that I work at the cutting edge, and they’ve always been reassured when they look at the software I use.”

Dariusz Buchta, master carpenter

From a school for mas­ter craft­speo­p­le to run­ning his own busi­ness

Buch­ta, 36, has be­en a mas­ter car­pen­ter for six ye­ars and es­tab­lished his own si­de busi­ness as so­on as he ob­tai­ned his mas­ter’s cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on. From a very ear­ly stage, he knew that he wan­ted to strike out on his own. But he didn’t want to jump straight in at the deep end – in­s­tead, he used his si­de busi­ness to gra­du­al­ly find his feet and de­ve­lop the fi­nan­cial foun­da­ti­ons for his own car­pen­try work­shop. His stra­tegy paid off, and Buch­ta’s busi­ness (“d.b.holz­de­sign”) has now be­en go­ing for a year and a half. A few months ago he took the ad­di­tio­nal step of buy­ing a CNC mil­ling ma­chi­ne, and he now has two full-time em­ployees plus one trai­nee to hand­le the ste­ady flow of work. Buch­ta’s busi­ness has grown bo­th in terms of the num­ber and the scope of the pro­jects he gets, but what plea­ses him the most is the le­vel of trust he has built up wi­th his cus­to­mers in such a short time. He puts this suc­cess down to com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on wi­th his cus­to­mers: “Cus­to­mers aren’t re­al­ly buy­ing a pro­duct – they’re choo­sing the car­pen­ter they li­ke the most.”

Proac­ti­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on – the re­ason for Buch­ta’s ste­ady flow of work

I don’t want cus­to­mers to ask me how their or­ders are go­ing or about their cur­rent sta­tus. So I re­gu­lar­ly send them pro­duc­tion up­dates and al­ter­na­ti­ve op­ti­ons – usual­ly it’s quick and ea­sy to do it by mes­sa­ging them on their pho­ne. Of cour­se I ask be­fore­hand whe­ther they’re hap­py for me to do that, but so far all of my cus­to­mers have re­al­ly app­re­cia­ted it.” Buch­ta rea­li­sed ear­ly on that com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on would have a hu­ge ro­le to play in his busi­ness. So from the start he de­ci­ded he would need de­sign soft­ware that didn’t just al­low him to de­sign quick­ly, but al­so meant he could crea­te high-re­so­lu­ti­on images to show to his cus­to­mers. He cho­se Palette CAD be­cau­se he was (and still is) im­pres­sed and in­spi­red by the high-end pho­to-rea­li­stic vi­sua­liza­ti­ons.

Recently Dariusz Buchta invested in a CNC machine


„When you look at the ren­de­red images on­ce you’ve fi­nis­hed de­sig­ning, it feels li­ke the fur­ni­tu­re has al­re­a­dy be­en built.”


Dariusz Buchta, master carpenter
High-end photorealistic renderings enabled Dariusz Buchta's customer to get an idea of the result even before production.

“A pic­tu­re says a thousand words” – a prin­ci­ple for cus­to­mer com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on that sounds simp­le, but how does Buch­ta make it a rea­li­ty?

He uses the ex­am­p­le of the pro­ject that mark­ed a year of his busi­ness – fit­ting out the re­cep­ti­on area of a me­di­cal prac­ti­ce – to ex­plain how he and his col­le­agues now hand­le stan­dard cus­to­mer or­ders. “When I first speak to a cus­to­mer on the pho­ne, I try to find out all the in­for­ma­ti­on I need to pro­du­ce the in­iti­al di­gi­tal dra­wings so that I can bring them to our first in-per­son mee­ting.” In this ca­se, the cus­to­mer wasn’t ex­pec­ting that and the draft de­sign im­me­dia­te­ly im­pres­sed them. The vi­sua­liza­ti­on then en­cou­ra­ged them to sug­gest al­ter­na­ti­ve ide­as for the de­sign, gui­ded by the mas­ter car­pen­ter. This didn’t com­ple­te­ly avo­id the no­to­rious ag­o­ny of choice, though it hel­ped fo­cus the pro­cess and sped it up con­sider­a­b­ly.

“My cus­to­mer found it par­ti­cu­lar­ly hard to choo­se the sur­face de­cor for the coun­ters and ca­bi­nets. That’s when it’s a re­al bles­sing that I can show them va­rious op­ti­ons on the screen in a mat­ter of mo­ments. But choo­sing the de­cor was still a leng­thy pro­cess, be­cau­se it was a long time be­fo­re they de­ci­ded on the flo­or and wall co­ve­rings for the new prac­ti­ce.”

Af­ter ta­king all the me­a­su­re­ments for the re­cep­ti­on area, Buch­ta vi­si­ted the prac­ti­ce again to pre­sent a ran­ge of op­ti­ons as wa­ter­co­lour vi­sua­liza­ti­ons. The­re we­re two fur­ther mee­tings to con­sult on the de­cor and to make ad­jus­t­ments to the di­vi­si­on of the in­di­vi­du­al ca­bi­nets. The cus­to­mer had al­re­a­dy de­ci­ded that they wan­ted HPL pa­nels for the de­cor, so he was ab­le to bring sui­ta­ble sam­ple cards.

Arztpraxis Aquarell Rendering Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Dariusz Buchta brought a draft design to the first meeting
Arztpraxis Palette CAD Planung ProgrammoberflächeOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
During the customer meeting, adjustments were made in Palette CAD itself
Arztpraxis Highend Fotorealistik Rendering Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
The customer was impressed with the high-end photorealistic visualization
Dariusz Buchta CNC-MaschineOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Buchta recently invested in a CNC machine
Arztpraxis Realisierung Foto Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
The project marked the one-year anniversary of his business
Arztpraxis Realisierung Foto Palette CAD BOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Choosing the decor was difficult, but Palette CAD sped up the process
Dariusz Buchta Portrait in the d.b.holzdesign joineryOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Buchta is proud of the level of trust he has built up with his customer
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Arztpraxis Aquarell Rendering Palette CAD
Arztpraxis Palette CAD Planung Programmoberfläche
Arztpraxis Highend Fotorealistik Rendering Palette CAD
Dariusz Buchta CNC-Maschine
Arztpraxis Realisierung Foto Palette CAD
Arztpraxis Realisierung Foto Palette CAD B
Dariusz Buchta Portrait in the d.b.holzdesign joinery
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“Palette CAD gi­ves you lots of fle­xi­bi­li­ty th­roug­hout the de­sign pro­cess, and a few clicks is all it ta­kes to make whi­che­ver ch­an­ges you li­ke.”

De­spi­te the time-con­sum­ing pro­cess of choo­sing the de­cor, in the end the ma­nu­fac­tu­ring dead­line was met. In the­se ca­ses, re­gu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on wi­th the cus­to­mer is even mo­re im­portant, as is sen­ding new op­ti­ons so that Buch­ta can re­spond to cus­to­mer re­quests at any time. On­ce the ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess be­g­ins, was­te op­ti­miza­ti­on and la­bel prin­ting be­co­me the key is­sues in or­der for ever­y­thing to run smooth­ly and to sa­ve ma­te­ri­als. Now that ever­y­thing has be­en pro­du­ced, Buch­ta is ex­tre­me­ly proud of the re­cep­ti­on area he de­si­gned at the me­di­cal prac­ti­ce – and of the le­vel of trust he has built up wi­th his cus­to­mer.

“Palette CAD lets cus­to­mers see the work I’m do­ing, and by vi­sua­li­zing my de­signs ear­ly on I can be su­re they’ll be hap­py wi­th the fi­nal re­sult.”

Wri­te your own suc­cess sto­ry

We’re on hand to show you how Palette CAD can trans­form the way you work. Cont­act us to­day to ar­ran­ge a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on.