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Trade Shows and Events: Come and Say Hello

The per­so­nal touch: how we can make your busi­ness di­gi­tal

Of the ma­ny re­asons why Palette CAD is the mar­ket-lea­ding 3D in­te­ri­or de­sign soft­ware, one is that our clo­se re­la­ti­onships wi­th our cus­to­mers is of gre­at im­portance to us. We know from tal­king to them what mat­ters when it co­mes to de­li­ve­ring their pro­jects every day. So we at­tend a lar­ge num­ber of trade shows and other events for va­rious sec­tors, as it gi­ves you the chan­ce to talk to us in per­son.

See be­low for a list of trade shows and other events – co­me and say hel­lo!

2 Trade Shows

09/11/24 - 09/12/24
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Architect@Work The Netherlands

Architect@Work The Netherlands is a networking event for an established community of architects.

Booth 119

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09/23/24 - 09/27/24
Bologna, Italien

Cersaie is the foremost international event for designers of ceramic and other surface coverings and bathroom furnishings.

Visit our booth and discover how easily you can optimize your processes with our software.

Hall 29 booth A51

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10/20/24 - 10/24/24
Gent, Belgium

ProWood is the meeting point for the wood-working industry in Belgium.

Hall 2, Booth 2109

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11/21/24 - 11/23/24
GET Nord 2024

GET Nord in Hamburg, the joint trade fair for electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning in the north of Germany, focuses on networking the various branches of building technology.

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GET Nord Hamburg
09/11/24 - 09/12/24
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Architect@Work The Netherlands

Architect@Work The Netherlands is a networking event for an established community of architects.

Booth 119

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09/23/24 - 09/27/24
Bologna, Italien

Cersaie is the foremost international event for designers of ceramic and other surface coverings and bathroom furnishings.

Visit our booth and discover how easily you can optimize your processes with our software.

Hall 29 booth A51

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10/20/24 - 10/24/24
Gent, Belgium

ProWood is the meeting point for the wood-working industry in Belgium.

Hall 2, Booth 2109

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GET Nord Hamburg
11/21/24 - 11/23/24
GET Nord 2024

GET Nord in Hamburg, the joint trade fair for electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning in the north of Germany, focuses on networking the various branches of building technology.

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Trade shows and events: brin­ging our soft­ware to you

Our pro­ducts, and how they be­ne­fit our cus­to­mers, will al­ways be at the he­art of what we do. And whe­re bet­ter to make that con­nec­tion than at trade shows and other in­dus­try events?
We ac­tively seek to talk to you, our cus­to­mers, in per­son, be­cau­se we know it’s im­portant. And our pro­ducts re­flect that. As ex­perts in our sec­tor, we con­ti­nuous­ly up­date and enhan­ce our Palette CAD soft­ware to meet the la­test de­mands, and we pre­fer the per­so­nal touch when in­tro­du­cing our new de­ve­lo­p­ments. We’re bound to be in your area be­fo­re too long – we look for­ward to see­ing you!

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