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Our Company: Our Clever Solutions for Your Digital Future

A pas­si­on for di­gi­tal de­sign sin­ce 1994

We at Palette CAD spe­cia­li­se in crea­ting per­fect rooms in 3D, de­sig­ning and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring fur­ni­tu­re di­gi­tal­ly and pro­du­cing at­trac­ti­ve vi­sua­li­sa­ti­ons of in­te­ri­or de­signs. And we’ve co­me a long way sin­ce 1994. “Our craft­sman­ship; Your di­gi­ta­li­sa­ti­on” sums up our ap­proach: our 3D de­sign soft­ware gi­ves craft­speo­p­le and in­dus­try and re­tail part­ners di­gi­tal so­lu­ti­ons that si­gni­fi­cant­ly ac­ce­le­ra­te their de­sign pro­jects. Our all-in-one plat­form is the quick and ea­sy way to crea­te and pro­du­ce even the most com­plex de­signs wi­th com­ple­te ac­cu­ra­cy, en­com­pas­sing ever­y­thing from the in­iti­al de­sign sket­ches and vi­sua­li­sa­ti­on of ide­as th­rough to da­ta trans­fer to CNC ma­chi­nes.

Af­ter 25 ye­ars, we have sold over 15,000 li­cen­ces in 54 count­ries. It’s a track re­cord we’re proud of, but we know we can’t af­ford to rest on our lau­rels. We’ve set the bar high when it co­mes to ex­ploi­ting sta­te-of-the-art VR tech­no­lo­gy for show­ca­sing de­signs, and as a for­ward-loo­king com­pa­ny we want to ta­ke this fur­ther wi­th even mo­re in­no­va­ti­ve so­lu­ti­ons and tech­no­lo­gies that make our users’ work ea­sier.

How we work

At Palette CAD we have “in­ter­nal si­gn­posts” that gui­de what we do and en­cou­ra­ge us to fol­low our path and keep ma­king Palette CAD bet­ter and bet­ter.

Icon Glühbirne Palette CAD
Icon Tacho Palette CAD
Icon Pfeil Palette CAD

The prin­ci­ple of sim­pli­ci­ty

A pas­si­on for ef­fi­ci­en­cy

Em­bra­cing a di­gi­tal fu­ture

Our soft­ware is in­tui­ti­ve to use and ea­sy to learn – we know what mat­ters.

We never stop re­fi­ning how the soft­ware works to gi­ve you the best re­sults, fast.

We know that long-term suc­cess doesn’t co­me from stan­ding still, so we work hard to­day to de­ve­lop the tech­no­lo­gy of to­mor­row.

Icon Glühbirne Palette CAD

The prin­ci­ple of sim­pli­ci­ty

Our soft­ware is in­tui­ti­ve to use and ea­sy to learn – we know what mat­ters.

Icon Tacho Palette CAD

A pas­si­on for ef­fi­ci­en­cy

We never stop re­fi­ning how the soft­ware works to gi­ve you the best re­sults, fast.

Icon Pfeil Palette CAD

Em­bra­cing a di­gi­tal fu­ture

We know that long-term suc­cess doesn’t co­me from stan­ding still, so we work hard to­day to de­ve­lop the tech­no­lo­gy of to­mor­row.

International Palette CAD

The in­ter­na­tio­nal 3D de­sign soft­ware

Good pro­ducts al­ways pr­e­vail. No mat­ter whe­re. Palette CAD is used in 45 count­ries by craft­speo­p­le, spe­cia­list re­tail­ers and in­dus­try ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers.

More about Palette CAD International

Palette CAD at trade shows and events

When our cus­to­mers gather and find out about the la­test news and de­ve­lo­p­ments, we’re the­re too. We look for­ward to mee­ting you in per­son.

Top 100 award for our power of in­no­va­ti­on

We don’t lea­ve in­no­va­ti­on to chan­ce – at Palette CAD, al­most ever­y­thing we do is sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly de­si­gned to pro­du­ce con­stant re­ne­wal and enhance­ment. Our power of in­no­va­ti­on has be­en con­firm­ed by in­no­va­ti­on re­se­ar­cher Pro­fes­sor Ni­ko­laus Fran­ke, who tog­e­ther wi­th his team car­ri­ed out a sci­en­ti­fic as­sess­ment on the ba­sis of 120 cri­te­ria. One of the key fac­tors in their eva­lua­ti­on was whe­ther in­no­va­ti­on at Palette CAD de­pends on a just a handful of bril­li­ant minds or whe­ther it’s firm­ly an­cho­red in our struc­tures, pro­ces­ses, cul­tu­re, work en­vi­ron­ment and or­ga­niza­ti­on. They found that Palette CAD scores high­ly across the board in sys­te­ma­tic in­no­va­ti­on, and as a re­sult we have be­en na­med one of the top 100 in­no­va­tors among SMEs in 2021!

Auszeichnung für Palette CAD