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Don't forget: We're happy to help you. No matter whether you have specific questions about our software or would like to get advice without obligation.

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Contact: Always available for questions or advice

We ta­ke ca­re of your en­qui­rers re­gar­ding Palette CAD

Our ex­pert team is he­re to as­sist you in all are­as. If you have ques­ti­ons about our soft­ware or if you'd li­ke to re­quest a quo­te, sim­ply get in touch wi­th our re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves th­rough our cont­act form.
We look for­ward to re­cei­ving your en­quiry.

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Photo 2

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Photo 3

Palette Academy

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Palette CAD AG

Main of­fice
Behl­es­stra­ße 9-11
70329 Stutt­gart

Kun­den­zen­trum Süd
Mett­in­ger Stra­ße 133
73728 Ess­lin­gen

Kun­den­zen­trum Nord
Düp­pel­weg 11
49176 Hil­ter / Borg­loh

Pho­ne:   +49 711 9595-0
Fax:        +49 711 9595-250
E-Mail:   en­qui­ries@pa­let­