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Palette CAD: CAD Software for Furniture Design, Carpenters & Joiners

Ever­y­thing you need in one soft­ware pro­gram.

Car­pen­ters, joi­n­ers and ca­bi­net­ma­kers know all about jugg­ling va­rious chal­lenges on a dai­ly ba­sis, whe­ther it’s mee­ting com­plex de­mands from spe­ci­fic cus­to­mers, in­te­gra­ting 3D mo­dels from other sources or sim­ply ra­cing against the clock. Ma­ny of us are fa­mi­li­ar wi­th this too from our own ex­pe­ri­ence, so we de­ve­lo­ped the Palette CAD fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware. We wan­ted to make it ea­sier for de­si­gners to un­leash their crea­ti­vi­ty and gi­ve them time to fo­cus on what they love about their work: crea­ting beau­tiful woo­den fur­ni­tu­re.

Dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies and work­shops have dif­fe­rent needs – so a one-si­ze-fits-all so­lu­ti­on isn’t go­ing to work. But how can our 3D fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware help you? Just cont­act us to find out mo­re.

Ansprechpartner Schreiner Palette CAD

Any ques­ti­ons?

I’m hap­py to help!

Contact us now

The fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware: by wood­wor­king pro­fes­sio­nals, for wood­wor­king pro­fes­sio­nals

Palette CAD is the fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware that makes CAD ea­sy for car­pen­ters and joi­n­ers, from de­sign and job pre­pa­ra­ti­on th­rough to ma­nu­fac­tu­ring on your CNC ma­chi­nes. Con­trol me­cha­nisms, au­to­ma­ted pro­ces­ses and user-fri­end­ly in­ter­faces make your work fas­ter, mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent, and ul­ti­m­ate­ly mo­re eco­no­mic­al – a key be­ne­fit when it co­mes to kee­ping ma­nu­fac­tu­ring cos­ts and er­ror ra­tes down.

Your cus­to­mers don’t have to wait un­til you’ve fi­nis­hed be­fo­re see­ing what you have in mind: you can show them your de­sign while pre­pa­ring your quo­te wi­th a di­gi­tal pre­sen­ta­ti­on fea­turing ren­de­rings, vi­de­os and vir­tu­al tours. In short, the Palette CAD fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware helps you every step of the way, whe­ther you’re fur­nis­hing a kit­chen, child’s be­d­room or an of­fice and whe­ther you’re ma­king an in­di­vi­du­al pro­duct or start­ing se­ries pro­duc­tion.

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Hybrid-projects with Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Livingroom Project made with Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Great Renderigs with our CAD SoftwareOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Woodworking with Palette CAD is PassionOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
CAM handing over to Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Percekt Software for all woodworkersOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Waste optimization with Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Working with Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Make your Projects in Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
The surface of Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Working with Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
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icon previous slider
Hybrid-projects with Palette CAD
Livingroom Project made with Palette CAD
Great Renderigs with our CAD Software
Woodworking with Palette CAD is Passion
CAM handing over to Palette CAD
Percekt Software for all woodworkers
Waste optimization with Palette CAD
Working with Palette CAD
Make your Projects in Palette CAD
The surface of Palette CAD
Working with Palette CAD
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Drahtgitter Wohnzimmertitelbild Palette CAD

Simp­le but ef­fec­ti­ve: Palette CAD for fur­ni­tu­re de­sign

Per­fect for:

  • Car­pen­ters and joi­n­ers
  • Fur­ni­tu­re ma­kers
  • Buil­ders’ mer­chants


One so­lu­ti­on for all your pro­ces­ses:

Are you loo­king for CAD soft­ware for car­pen­ters that hand­les ever­y­thing in­vol­ved in the de­sign pro­cess? Do you want an ea­sy way to wow your cus­to­mers wi­th your de­signs? Whe­ther in the de­sign or con­s­truc­tion pro­cess, Palette CAD for fur­ni­tu­re de­sign brings tog­e­ther all the soft­ware fea­tures you need to na­vi­ga­te the steps in­vol­ved wi­th a mi­ni­mum of fuss.

Do you want to ex­pe­ri­ence Palette CAD in a free live De­mo?

Un­co­ver the ways Palette CAD ele­va­tes your busi­ness and work­flow, tail­o­red for car­pen­ters, joi­n­ers, bath­room plan­ners, or in­te­ri­or de­si­gners.
En­joy a per­so­na­li­zed soft­ware show­ca­se and feel free to ask any ques­ti­ons di­rect­ly. Don't miss this op­por­tu­ni­ty for an in­ter­ac­ti­ve ex­plo­ra­ti­on!

Ma­king your work fas­ter, mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent and mo­re se­cu­re

Palette CAD com­bi­nes all your di­gi­tal steps in­to one con­ti­nuous pro­cess – say good­bye to swit­ching bet­ween va­rious pro­grams.

Show your projects in Palette Showroom
Step 1

In­spi­re and per­sua­de

Laser measurement device
Step 2

Da­ta gathe­ring and im­port

Work with Palette CAD
Step 3

Plan and de­sign

Enter Rooms with Virtual Reality
Step 4

Pre­sen­ting and con­sul­ting

Production with Palette CAD
Step 5

Make it a rea­li­ty

Best results with Palette CAD
Step 6

Per­fect rooms

Palette Show­room and Palette Cloud help your cus­to­mers de­ci­de what’s right for them.

Ta­ke la­ser me­a­su­re­ments on site or sim­ply im­port ar­chi­tects’ plans and blue­prints di­rect­ly.

Palette CAD makes it ea­sy to pro­du­ce quick and ac­cu­ra­te de­signs.

Pre­sent your pro­jects via Palette Show­room and Palette Mo­ve (in per­son or di­gi­tal­ly) and im­press your cus­to­mers.

Eli­mi­na­te er­rors by using Palette CAM to trans­fer da­ta straight to the CNC ma­chi­ne.

Avo­id un­ex­pec­ted sur­pri­ses and pro­du­ce re­sults that put a smi­le on your cli­ents’ faces.

Inspire and persuade

Palette Show­room and Palette Cloud help your cus­to­mers de­ci­de what’s right for them.

Data gathering and import

Ta­ke la­ser me­a­su­re­ments on site or sim­ply im­port ar­chi­tects’ plans and blue­prints di­rect­ly.

Plan and design

Palette CAD makes it ea­sy to pro­du­ce quick and ac­cu­ra­te de­signs.

Presenting and consulting

Pre­sent your pro­jects via Palette Show­room and Palette Mo­ve (in per­son or di­gi­tal­ly) and im­press your cus­to­mers.

Make it a reality

Eli­mi­na­te er­rors by using Palette CAM to trans­fer da­ta straight to the CNC ma­chi­ne.

Perfect rooms

Avo­id un­ex­pec­ted sur­pri­ses and pro­du­ce re­sults that put a smi­le on your cli­ents’ faces.

Verschiedene Holzmuster für Ihre Projekte
Portrait Dariusz Buchta d.b.holzdesign

„3D designs have showed customers that I work at the cutting edge, and they’ve always been reassured when they look at the software I use.”

Dariusz Buchta, master carpenter

Our part­ners

Ma­te­ri­als, fit­tings, com­pon­ents - wi­th Palette CAD, you have di­rect ac­cess to the pro­ducts and ori­gi­nal da­ta from ma­jor names in the wood­wor­king in­dus­try - such as:

Enno Roggemann
opo oeschger
swiss krono
westag & getalit
sonae arauco

How you be­ne­fit from our soft­ware

The Palette CAD 3D soft­ware is the di­rect re­sult of prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence and will be wi­th you every step of the way.
Whe­ther you’re co­ming up wi­th in­iti­al ide­as, de­sig­ning your rooms or pre­sen­ting your work to your cus­to­mers, it’s fast, ef­fi­ci­ent, ac­cu­ra­te and available any­whe­re.


Mo­re time

Mo­re fun

Mo­re suc­cess

Use ob­ject li­bra­ri­es and crea­te stan­dard ob­jects wi­th in­tel­li­gent pro­per­ties and va­ria­bles to de­sign fas­ter and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. And we au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly up­date all ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues so you al­ways have ac­cess to the la­test pro­ducts.

Our user-fri­end­ly in­ter­face makes working wi­th Palette CAD ea­sy and helps you get re­sults quick­ly. And our ex­perts are on hand to of­fer fri­end­ly cus­to­mer ser­vice and trai­ning cour­ses (on site or on­line) tail­o­red to your needs.

Even though you can use our wood tech­no­lo­gy so­lu­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­tors to op­ti­mi­se your pro­cess, your work stays un­ques­tionab­ly uni­que. You can set re­cur­ring ru­les in the CAM post-pro­ces­sor to in­crease your ca­pa­ci­ty uti­li­sa­ti­on, and our vir­tu­al ex­hi­bi­ti­ons are a gre­at way to reach mo­re po­ten­ti­al cus­to­mers.

Icon Hammer Palette CAD
Icon Cloud Palette CAD
Icon Handschlag Palette CAD

Mo­re craft

Mo­re sta­te-of-the-art

Mo­re prac­ti­cal­i­ty

Ac­cess to ma­jor on­line shops me­ans no mo­re was­ting time po­ring over ca­ta­lo­gues. Clear in­put dia­logs make it in­tui­ti­ve to use, and you can ac­cess BOMs, cut­ting plans and ex­plo­ded views at the touch of a but­ton.

A hand-held la­ser and ta­blet make it ea­sy to ta­ke me­a­su­re­ments at your cli­ent’s home or site. Palette Cloud lets you do wha­te­ver you need to whe­re­ver you need to, and Palette Mo­ve al­lows you to show­ca­se your de­signs using mo­bi­le de­vices. 

Our soft­ware has be­en de­ve­lo­ped by in­dus­try ex­perts, so it can hand­le all the chal­lenges of your in­dus­try. Your pro­ject is in the best pos­si­ble hands. 


Mo­re time

Use ob­ject li­bra­ri­es and crea­te stan­dard ob­jects wi­th in­tel­li­gent pro­per­ties and va­ria­bles to de­sign fas­ter and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. And we au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly up­date all ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues so you al­ways have ac­cess to the la­test pro­ducts.


Mo­re fun

Our user-fri­end­ly in­ter­face makes working wi­th Palette CAD ea­sy and helps you get re­sults quick­ly. And our ex­perts are on hand to of­fer fri­end­ly cus­to­mer ser­vice and trai­ning cour­ses (on site or on­line) tail­o­red to your needs.


Mo­re suc­cess

Even though you can use our wood tech­no­lo­gy so­lu­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­tors to op­ti­mi­se your pro­cess, your work stays un­ques­tionab­ly uni­que. You can set re­cur­ring ru­les in the CAM post-pro­ces­sor to in­crease your ca­pa­ci­ty uti­li­sa­ti­on, and our vir­tu­al ex­hi­bi­ti­ons are a gre­at way to reach mo­re po­ten­ti­al cus­to­mers.

Icon Hammer Palette CAD

Mo­re craft

Ac­cess to ma­jor on­line shops me­ans no mo­re was­ting time po­ring over ca­ta­lo­gues. Clear in­put dia­logs make it in­tui­ti­ve to use, and you can ac­cess BOMs, cut­ting plans and ex­plo­ded views at the touch of a but­ton.

Icon Cloud Palette CAD

Mo­re sta­te-of-the-art

A hand-held la­ser and ta­blet make it ea­sy to ta­ke me­a­su­re­ments at your cli­ent’s home or site. Palette Cloud lets you do wha­te­ver you need to whe­re­ver you need to, and Palette Mo­ve al­lows you to show­ca­se your de­signs using mo­bi­le de­vices. 

Icon Handschlag Palette CAD

Mo­re prac­ti­cal­i­ty

Our soft­ware has be­en de­ve­lo­ped by in­dus­try ex­perts, so it can hand­le all the chal­lenges of your in­dus­try. Your pro­ject is in the best pos­si­ble hands. 

Palette CAM

Palette CAD makes it ea­sy to trans­fer your com­plex de­signs straight to a CNC ma­chi­ne wi­th per­fect ac­cu­ra­cy. All you need is Palette CAM.This avo­ids ha­ving to en­ter da­ta twice and re­mo­ves the risk of trans­fer er­rors – plus you don’t have to learn how to use mul­ti­ple pro­grams. Palette CAM is the di­gi­tal so­lu­ti­on that makes your job ea­sier.

Which soft­ware packa­ge is best for you?

Palette CAD of­fers the right so­lu­ti­on for you, whe­ther you’re an in­de­pen­dent car­pen­ter, joi­ner or fur­ni­tu­re ma­ker. Li­ke all Palette CAD packa­ges, the fur­ni­tu­re de­sign soft­ware ad­apts to your pro­ject and your needs, even when your cir­cum­s­tances ch­an­ge. Com­ple­te fle­xi­bi­li­ty. No fuss.

small business
Wohnzimmer im Drahtgitterformat

Get started

The ba­sic packa­ge to get you star­ted wi­th 3D de­sig­ning.

What you get:

  • In­tel­li­gent Wood tech­no­lo­gy boards & cor­pus con­fi­gu­ra­tor
  • On­line shop con­nec­tion to re­pu­ta­ble ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers
  • Simp­le Pho­to-rea­li­stic
Our recommendation

Extensive planning

Wi­th va­rious op­ti­ons to su­it your in­di­vi­du­al needs at an af­forda­ble pri­ce.

What you get:

  • In­tel­li­gent Wood tech­no­lo­gy boards & cor­pus con­fi­gu­ra­tor
  • On­line shop con­nec­tion to re­pu­ta­ble ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers
  • High-end Pho­to-rea­li­stic
  • Cut op­ti­mi­sa­ti­on
  • 3D im­port & ex­port


The all-inclusive package

En­joy ma­xi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty wi­th mul­ti­ple li­cen­ces.

What you get:

  • In­tel­li­gent Wood tech­no­lo­gy boards & cor­pus con­fi­gu­ra­tor
  • On­line shop con­nec­tion to re­pu­ta­ble ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers
  • High-end Pho­to-rea­li­stic
  • Cut op­ti­mi­sa­ti­on
  • 3D im­port & ex­port
  • Palette Show­room Pro
  • One ad­di­tio­nal li­cence in­cluded


Palette CAD 3D
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
2D Drawing
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Object editor
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
3D import & export
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
2 licences
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Wood technology 4.0
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Manufacturer products & finishes
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Cut optimisation
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Customisable bills of materials
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Interior & Design catalogue
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Additional catalogues
Palette CAD Feature disabled


Palette Showroom
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette Move
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Simple Photo-realistic
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
High-end Photo-realistic
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette Exposé
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette Play
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Access Palette Cloud
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette Cloud with folder structures
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Integrate Palette Cloud into your own website
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Share Cloud content (subscriptions)
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Branch update manager for company networks
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature disabled
Palette CAD Feature enabled
Cloud storage
0.5 GB
2 GB
5 GB

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