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Wha­te­ver your ques­ti­on about Palette CAD, we’ll hand­le it

Our team of ex­perts of­fer all-round sup­port. If you have ques­ti­ons about our soft­ware or you’d li­ke to re­quest a quo­te, use our cont­act form to get in touch wi­th our ad­vi­sors. But our team is al­so hap­py to help wi­th any other ques­ti­ons you may have about Palette CAD. We look for­ward to hea­ring from you!

Ansprechpartnerin Martina Nanz

Any ques­ti­ons?

I’m hap­py to help!

Mar­ti­na Nanz

Contact us

We are delighted to help you with your enquiry


Palette CAD AG
Behl­es­stra­ße 9-11
70329 Stutt­gart

Pho­ne:   +49 711 9595-0
Fax:        +49 711 9595-250
E-Mail:   in­fo@pa­let­

Palette CAD: your part­ner for di­gi­tal in­te­ri­or de­sign

Palette CAD is pas­sio­na­te about di­gi­tal in­te­ri­or de­sign. Our Palette CAD soft­ware is de­ve­lo­ped in Ger­ma­ny and is used by over 12,000 craft­speo­p­le, spe­cia­list re­tail­ers and de­si­gners to enhan­ce their de­signs, re­du­ce their lead times and in­crease their sa­les. As a fa­mi­ly busi­ness em­ploy­ing over 80 peo­p­le, our cus­to­mers’ suc­cess is at the he­art of what we do: from the in­iti­al spark of in­spi­ra­ti­on th­rough to the fi­nis­hed room. So you can rest assu­red that your pro­ject is in the best pos­si­ble hands, wi­th a team of ex­perts on hand to ans­wer all your ques­ti­ons about Palette CAD. Why not get in touch?